Sunday 4 November 2012

2 Weeks Fizz Free

I have never been a water drinker in fact as a small child my mother had to force it down me and in the end gave up and gave me Ribena ( BIG MISTAKE). So decided to go caffeine and fizz free for two weeks was a BIG deal for me. I have been trying to lose weight all year and while eating healthy and exercising have been going ok I have not really thought about my liquid intake. Sure I don't drink coke I drink coke zero and one bottle lasts me a couple of days it still contains A LOT of sodium. I also wanted to eliminate caffine becuase I only like it with sugary additives like Vanilla Lattes and Mochas.

The first few days were the hardest mostly at meals times when I really wanted something nice to drink. I kept a bottle of chilled water in the fridge and the beauty of it is it really does quench thirst.

I did have 2 slip ups I had KFC for lunch one day I couldn't resist we just had one open on the HBC and I just had to give it a try. Also I was having a bad day one day and had a beer at a friends house. I still say 2 slips ain't bad.

I lost 2 kilos over those too weeks so very happy. Now I have added small amounts of fizz and caffine back in but it is easier to moderate it now I am used to drinking so much water and the V's are gone !!!!!!

Hints and Tips I find useful:

1. Eggs they are so easy to cook so cheap and taste nice. If I need a quick lunch a couple of boiled eggs do the job.

2. Weetbix no it isn't fancy but they are also fast and filling just swap the sugar for some fruit or yoghart.

3. Have a bottle of water with you at dinner time it helps fill you up keeps you hydrating and limits your portion sizes.

4. Don't cut all your treats out LIMIT them. My fav breckfast is peanut butter on toast with a nescafe vanilla Latte sachet. I have this twice a week on days where I know I have alot of errands and it will stop me form picking up a V and sausage roll at the shops.

5. If you have a slip up at one meal make all your other meals super healthy to make up for it.

6. Try to have an early healthy filling dinner and don't eat after 7. If you get hungry have water or a weight watchers hot chocolate.

Hope this helps.

Wednesday 17 October 2012

Come Out, Come Out Wherever You ARE !!!!!!

So I quit....... there is something about quitting though that feels so pathetic. I don't think one can ever be proud of quitting. At first there is a sense of relief but in all honesty it doesn't last long. Quitting also isn't in my nature in fact being insanely stubborn is what I am known for and can be one of my less than desirable traits that has also been past down to my youngest daughter.

My epiphany came when I saw a post selling bikini's it jolted me back out of the land of denial that I was happily ( or so I thought) vacationing and rudely awakened me to my reality. That was my goal my whole damn year was supposed to be about being healthy and feeling confident at the beach this Summer. To enjoy some fun in the sun and be able to catch up with my ever energetic children.

I realized then that I have not only let myself down but everyone else and that is NOT on. I have organized care for my kids and while a gym membership is still out of my financial means I am determined to not let that get in my way. I will walk up and down Gulf Harbour Drive until my legs won't move!!!!!!  

I don't think I will be ready for my after shoot for Treasures in December but I want to have the knowledge that I at least tried.

I would also like to apologize to my friend Kirstyn our yummy Inidian movie nights will have to end ( well the Indian parts ) and swapped to something more healthy...... Although I know we will both miss Mr yummy Indian man that serves us. Sacrifices must be made.

So I pledge today I will NOT buy another item of size 18 clothing !!!!!!!!!!!!! Running out of clothes and the potential shame of going out in my pj's will force me to swap the pie for some celary. Time to get real, get with it and get out from under the bed.

 Hurrah !!!!!!!

J xx

Monday 13 August 2012

Attractive ?????

I think all of us at some point look at magazines and think I wish. We all know about photoshopping but we still hold these flawless goddesses as the pinnacle of beauty.

Well sometimes they take it too far, I came across these images today and actually though ewww I would rather be chubb chubb .

What is with the veins !!!! I was fit once but I think a softer toned look, looks better.....

So Celebs don't always look perfect feel better !!!!!

xxxx J 

Monday 6 August 2012

Don't Give Up

I really had packed in the towel... One of the reasons I applied for the Treasures Campaign is that I knew I couldn't do it alone and I needed help. Well that is crap as I have bleated on about before I was totally abandoned. But really in the end you do need to learn to rely on yourself. I mean how hard is it not to put something in your mouth???

Well it is f*&King hard actually... espcially when you are on a budget most eating plans will tell you in order to lose weight you need to eat nothing but lean protein and vege. These people are obviously not feeding a fmaily of 4 on a tight budget.

Not to mention when you can't afford to do much a small bar of chocolate is a cheap way to bring some happiness. It is a quick fix a drug and in all honesty it is only gratifying for a moment.

I have no solutions other than I am sick of looking the way I am and I am sick of doing nthing about it.

So I am going to keep on trying, and trying, I guess what I am trying to say is no one ever achived anything by giving up!!!!!

My daughter has started competitive cheer leading and it is helping me, i go over her routine with her and do all the stretches too.

There is still several months until Summer so keep watching this space !!!!


Sunday 17 June 2012


I know over the years there are been  a lot of exercise trends, Windsor Pilates, tai Bo, Ab Circle etc but I am really enjoying this one. When I was in my teens I was fit and ripped but  I always claimed I didn't work out. Bullshit I was an only child and to keep myself occupied I used to dance in my room in front of the mirror (shame) and I would do this sometimes for 6 hours a day!!!! ( on the weekends). I never saw it was working out though as it was what I did for fun.

Zumba is like that it is so much fun and even better if you can do wit with a friend. You don't need to be super coordinated just willing to have a laugh at yourself. You break a sweat within minutes and you really feel it working you out!

At the moment I am only doing it around once a week but I am trying to increase it as it seriously works.

Give it a try and have some fun!!!

Friday 1 June 2012

Still Alive!!!!

Yes I am still alive I guess I have just been extremely frustrated of late. I NEVER hear from my trainer anymore even though he was apparently supposed to call me every night and keep on track. I have also been finding a lack of money and cold weather to be inhibiting.

I have also plateaued...... Weight loss is nigh!!!!!

I know I have no one to blame but myself, I can blame it on Jeremy not being there etc but at the end of the day I really need to motivate myself. The plan I was on was not possible for a mother of 3 on limited funds though. There are not many families out there that can afford 5 meals of lean protein a day. I cannot afford weight watchers as yet so I am taking a everything in moderation plan.

This is what I am going to do starting this week.


Special K


Salad or eggs


Lean meat and vege


nuts, fruit celery with cheese.

Exercise will involve doing Zumba 1 - 2 nights a week with a friend and walking with the toddlers 2 times a week for an hour.
I think the most depressing thing has been seeing friends have children AFTER me and melting back to their former glory.

The thing is you control what you do I just need to regain it.